Saturday, 23 September 2017

#CBSE vs #StateBoard #Navodaya vs #TN_Govt_School #Hindi vs #Tamil

#CBSE vs #StateBoard
#Navodaya vs #TN_Govt_School
#Hindi vs #Tamil

A comparitive analysis

Based on Course content in Kendriya Vidyalaya, epitome of CBSE syllabus

Let us talk about Standard. Standard for me refers to the quality which is not being selective in teaching especially the history of India & Fight of freedom from British Empire.

Following the negotiations which Sir Thomas Roe had with the Mughal Emperor Jahangir on behalf of James VI of England, the British East India Company, founded by a charter in 1600

CBSE doesn't cover :

1. Tamil is one of the longest-surviving classical languages in the world. Tamil  inscriptions from 500 BC have been found on Adichanallur and 2,200-year-old Tamil  inscriptions have been found on Samanamalai.

2. European travellers and traders have had contacts with the Tamil country at least since the 1st millennium BC. Roman and Greek traders frequented the ports of PoomPuhar and Musiri during the Sangam Age.

2. The first resistance to the British was offered by the legendary Puli Thevan in 1757.

3. Rani Velu Natchiyar was a queen of Sivaganga estate in 1760-1790. She was the first queen to fight against the British colonial power in India in 1780, even long before the famous Rani of Jhansi 1857

4. There was one chapter on South Indian History which had one pager about Thiruvalluvar, One pager about Chera, Chola, Pandia Kingdom & one line about Avvaiyar and  Aathichudi with no mention of Veera Pandia Katta bomman, Puli thevan who fought against British in 1757, Dheeran chinnamalai, Pasumpon Muthuramalinga thevar

5. We were taught about Lal, Bal, Pal ( Lala lajpat rai trio) , Gandhi, Nehru, Indra Gandhi & Little bit about Subhash Chandra Bose, Ambedkar, Bhagat singh, Vivekananda etc . With special mention in few paragraphs about Rajaji, Kamarajar but no details on their work for state or freedom struggle. With no information on Periyar, Kakkan, Sathyamurthy, Aringnar Anna

So how can CBSE be the solution to the question of Quality & Standard. When it fails to showcase or succeeds in hiding important part of history

How can CBSE be a solution to the question of Standard?

Tamilisai Soundararajan Madam accepted this

#Navodaya Central Government is planning to start one school per district. Centre sanctions 30 crore for initial construction and infrastructure cost and runs the schools thereafter paying teachers salaries etc. On an average the Central govt spends Rs.85,000 per student per year hence the overall budget of the Centre for these schools each year is around 2000 crore, apart from 30 acres of free land to be allocated by the State government in each district.

How can 32 schools With 80 students per class per year. The school has from 6th to 12th Std. So each school will have 560 students from 6th to 12th. That makes a total of 17920 students each year be a competitor or replacement for State run Government schools ? In 2012 we had 55,667 state run Government schools in Tamilnadu which caters to more than 128,55,485 students, that too predominantly from the households of economically deprived population.

#StateBoard. The Fee regulation act is imposed in schools following state board in TN and if the schools turn to CBSE all they need is approval from NCERT, until unless anyone complains enquiry wont be set up. They won’t fall under Fee regulation.

How Samacheer for 11th, 12th? NCF 2005 , As per New National curriculum framework every state was asked to come with framework of syllabus and the guidelines were provided by NCERT. The syllabus is sent to NCERT by TN govt and the curriculum focus group for each subject reviewed the same, analysed & sent a report on the short coming/perception. The report suggests that it is as per the perspectives of NCERT 2005. Post which TN govt released the updated syllabus to all 4 boards in TN State as common syllabus.

Muthukumaran committee had a sub committee which says state board is better than Matriculation in 2005. Any syllabus is subject to constant revision and updation, as it keeps evolving. Now the TN govt has set up syllabus committee & Curriculum committee to review as the syllabus under the former vice chancellor as it should be revised once in every 5 years.

Hence State board syllabus is reviewed and approved by NCERT. Last revision was done in 2010 and the syllabus is revised every 5 years. The recommendation for the revision is already in progress.

The state government allotted 770 Smart boards few years back and now again for 2017-2018 they have announced 3,000 new smart boards installation. So, the state government has to strengthen the infrastructure & number of teachers

It is the responsibility of the State government to up the quality of infrastructure & the number of teachers per class.

#Hindi While Hindi classes must be attended by students from 6th to 10th there is no compulsion for them to pass any exam in Hindi. in fact they will write exams in Hindi only from 6th to 9th Std. and that too as a language subject. If they fail they will still be promoted. In 10th they can opt out of writing the Hindi exam. In 11th and 12th there would be no Hindi even as a language in TN. (unless a student opts for it)

To an extent this is Hindi imposition and why? Is it a classical language ? How does its literature, Grammar , History compare to Tamil.

Should we make Tamil compulsory to attend in rest of India with a clause that it is optional to clear the exam? Next time they can pronounce दोसय instead of डोसा

Tamil literature has been documented for over 2000 years. The earliest period of Tamil literature, Sangam literature, is dated from 200 BC – AD 300. This means 2000 years ago Tamil Grammar books & Tamil poems were written about the flora, fauna, women, culture of that period.

The earliest long text in Old Tamil is the Tholkapiyam , an early work on Tamil grammar and poetics, whose oldest layers could be as old as the 1st century BC

Thirukkural (Sacred Verses), is a classic Tamil text consisting of 1330 couplets or kurals, dealing with the everyday virtues of an individual. Written by Thiru Valluvar dated variously from 300 BCE. It is so relevant even today that you can find reference about anything under the sky today be it about Virtue, Politics, Farmers, Human behavior etc

#Keeladi An Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) excavation in Keeladi revealed a Sangam era settlement dated to the 2nd century BCE by radiocarbon dating. The Roman artifacts found at the site add to the evidence of ancient trade relations between the Romans and the Pandya kingdom. An estimated 293 sites have been identified including temples, ports, small settlements and commercial sites

It is as complex as Indus Valley civilization.

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